
44. Hugentobler, S.A., Sturrock, A.M., Willmes, M., Thompson, T.Q., Johnson, R.C., Cordoleani, F., Stauffer-Olsen, N.J., Whitman, G., Meek, M.H., 2024. Remnant salmon life history diversity rediscovered in a highly compressed habitat. Evolutionary Applications 2024: 17: e13741.

43. Willmes M., Sturrock, A.M., Cordoleani, F., Hugentobler, S., Meek, M.H., Whitman, G., Evans, K., Palcovacs, E.P., Stauffer-Olsen, N.J., Johnson, R.C., 2024. Integrating otolith and genetic tools to reveal intraspecific biodiversity in a highly impacted salmon population. Journal of Fish Biology 2024:1-19.

42. Whitman, G., Messner, J., Johnson, R.C., Willmes, M., Kennedy, B.P., Jeffres, C., 2024. Forensic geochemistry identifies the illegal introduction of Walleye into Lake Cascade, Idaho. North American Journal of Fisheries Management.

41. Källo, K., Birnie‐Gauvin, K., Baktoft, H., Bekkevold, D., Lesher, C., Grønkjær, P., Barfod, G.H., Johnson, R.C., Whitman, G., Willmes, M., Glessner, J., Aarestrup, K., 2023. Otolith microchemistry combined with genetics reveal patterns of straying and population connectivity in anadromous brown trout (Salmo trutta). Ecology of Freshwater Fish.

40. Vaisvil, A., Willmes, M., Enriquez, E.J., Klein, Z.B., Caldwell, C., A needle in a haystack: Strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) in otoliths identify origin of Largemouth Bass from a large Southwest reservoir, 2023. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.

39. Barakat, S., Le Corre, M., Willmes, M., Cohen, J.,  Vuillien, M., Desclaux, D., Britton, K., Laser ablation strontium isotopes and spatial assignment show seasonal mobility in red deer (Cervus elaphus) at Lazaret Cave, France (MIS 6), 2023 Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.

38. Black, A.R., Walrath, J.D., Willmes, M., Quist, M.C., Natural and hatchery contributions of kokanee to Flaming Gorge Reservoir, Wyoming-Utah: an evaluation using otolith microchemistry, 2023. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management.

37. Lewis, L.S., Huang, J.L., Willmes, M., Fichman, R.F., Cavole, L.M., Hung, T., Ellison, L.T., Stevenson, T.A., Teh, S., Schultz, A.A., Grimsich, J., Hammock, B.G., Huyskens, M.H., Yin, Q-Z., Botto, N., Hobbs, J.A. Visual, spectral, and microchemical quantification of crystalline anomalies in otoliths of wild and cultured Delta Smelt, 2022. Scientific Reports.

36. Reis-Santos et al., Reading the biomineralized book of life: Expanding otolith biogeochemical research and applications for fisheries and ecosystem-based management, 2022. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries.

35. Saygın, S., Polat, N., Willmes, M., Lewis, L.S.,  Hobbs, J.A., Atıcı, A.A., Elp, M., 2022. Strontium isotopes in otoliths reveal a diversity of natal origins for Tarek (Alburnus tarichi) in Lake Van, Turkey. Fisheries Research.

34. Campbell, M.A., Joslin, S.E.K., Goodbla, A.M., Willmes, M., Hobbs, J.A., Lewis, L.S., Finger, A.J., 2022. Polygenic Discrimination of Migratory Phenotypes in an Estuarine Forage Fish. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, jkac133.

33. James, H.F., Adams, S., Willmes, M., Mathison, K., Wood, R., Valera, A.C., Frieman, C.J., Grün, R., 2022. A large-scale bioavailable strontium isotope baseline map of Portugal for archaeological and paleoecological provenance studies. Journal of Archaeological Science, 142, 105595.

32. James, H.F., Griffith, J.I., Long, K., Cheung, C., Willmes, M., 2022. The Secrets in our Teeth. Frontier for Young Minds.

31. Sellheim, K., Willmes M., Lewis, L.S., Sweeney, J., Merz, J., Hobbs, J.A., 2022. Diversity in habitat use by White Sturgeon revealed using fin ray geochemistry. Frontiers in Marine Sciences.

30. Barros, A., Hobbs, J.A., Willmes, M., Parker, C., Bisson, M., Fangue, N.A., Rypel, A.L., Lewis, L.S., 2022. Spatial heterogeneity in the nursery value of wetlands for a threatened estuarine smelt: prey availability, preference, and feeding success. Estuaries and Coasts.

29. Bell-Tilcock, M.N., Jeffres, C.A., Rypel, A.L., Willmes, M., Armstrong, R.A., Holden, P., Moyle, P.B., Fangue, N.A., Katz, J.V.E., Sommer, T.R., Conrad, J.L., Johnson, R.C., 2021. Biogeochemical processes create distinct isotopic fingerprints to track floodplain rearing of juvenile salmon. PLOS ONE 16(10): e0257444.

28. Xieu, W., Zhao, F., Fichman, R.A., Willmes, M., Hobbs, J.A., Hung, T-C., Ellison, L., Stevenson, T., Tigan, G., Schultz, A., Lewis, L.S., 2021. Experimental validation of otolith-based size and age reconstructions across multiple life stages of a critically endangered estuarine fish. PeerJ (9): e12280.

27. Lewis, L.S., Denney, C., Willmes, M., Xieu, W., Fichman, R.A., Zhao, F., Hammock, B., Schultz, A., Fangue, N., Hobbs, J.A., 2021. Otolith-based approaches indicate strong effects of environmental variation on growth of a Critically Endangered estuarine fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series.

26. Fichman, R.A., Khen, A., Willmes, M., Kuntz, J., Scott, A.R., Hobbs, J.A., Lewis, L.S., 2021. The clever strategies fishes use to survive in San Francisco’s dynamic estuary. Frontier for Young Minds.

25. Griffin, J.M., Montañez, I.P., Glessner, J.J.G., Chen, J., Willmes, M., 2021. Geologic variability of conodont strontium isotopic composition quantified by laser ablation multiple collection inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 568, 110308.

24. Willmes, M., Jacinto, E.E., Lewis, L.S., Fichman, R.A., Bess, Z., Singer, G., Steel, A., Moyle, P., Rypel, A.L., Fangue, N., Glessner, J.J.G., Hobbs, J.A., Chapman, E.D., 2021. Geochemical tools identify the origins of Chinook Salmon returning to a restored creek. Fisheries, fsh.10516.

23. Britton, K., Le Corre, M., Willmes, M., Moffat, I., Grün, R., Mannino, M., Woodward S., Jaouen K., 2020. Sampling plants and malacofauna in 87Sr/86Sr bioavailability studies: implications for isoscape mapping and reconstructing of past mobility patterns. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution Paleoecology, 8(11):579473,

22. Moffat, I., Rudd, R., Willmes, M., Mortimer, G., Kinsley, L., McMorrow, L., Armstrong, R.A., Aubert, M., Grün, R., 2020. Bioavailable Soil and Rock Strontium Isotope Data from Israel. Earth System Science Data, 7, 1-16.

21. Sweeney, J.K., Willmes, M., Sellheim, K., Lewis, L.S., Hobbs, J.A., Fangue, N.A., Merz, J.E., 2020. Calcification and incorporation of trace elements in age-0 White Sturgeon fin rays with implications for the reconstruction of habitat use. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 103, 1401–1418.

20. Moffat, I., Joannes-Boyau, R., Kinsley, L., Willmes, M., Grün, R., 2020. Strontium isotope investigation of human mobility based on teeth from cave T1. Chapter 4 in: Tell es-Safi/Gath II – Excavations and Studies, Aren M. Maeir and Joe Uziel, Zaphon, Münster.

19. Lewis, L.S., Willmes, M., Barros, A., Crain, P.K., Hobbs, J.A., 2019. Newly discovered spawning and recruitment of threatened Longfin Smelt in restored and under‐explored tidal wetlands. Ecology, 101, ecy.2868.

18. Hobbs, J.A., Lewis, L.S., Willmes, M., Denney, C., Bush, E., 2019. Complex life histories discovered in a critically endangered fish. Scientific Reports, 9(1):16772.

17. Willmes, M., Lewis, L.S., Davis, B.E., Loiselle, L., James, H.F., Denney, C., Baxter, R., Conrad, J. L., Fangue, N.A., Hung, T‐C, Armstrong, R.A., Williams, I.S., Holden, P., Hobbs, J.A., 2019. Calibrating temperature reconstructions from fish otolith oxygen isotope analysis for California’s critically‐endangered Delta Smelt. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 33, 1207-1220.

16.Adams, S., Grün, R., McGahan, D., Zhao, J-X., Feng, Y., Nguyen, A., Willmes, M., Quaresimin, M., Lobsey, B., Collard, M., Westaway, M.C., 2019. A strontium isoscape of north‐east Australia for human provenance and repatriation. Geoarchaeology, 34, 231‐ 251.

15. James, H.F., Willmes, M., Boel, C.A., Courtaud, P., Chancerel, A., Ciesielski, E., Desideri, J., Bridy, A., Wood, R., Moffat, I., Fallon, S., McMorrow, L., Armstrong, R.A., Williams, I.S., Kinsley, L., Aubert, M., Eggins, S., Frieman, C.J., Grün, R., 2019. Who’s been using my burial mound? Radiocarbon dating and isotopic tracing of human diet and mobility at the collective burial site, Le Tumulus des Sables, southwest France. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 24, 955-966.

14.Moncel, M-H., Fernandes, P., Willmes, M., James H.F., Grün R., 2019. Rocks, teeth, and tools: New insights into early Neanderthal mobility strategies in South-Eastern France from lithic reconstructions and strontium isotope analysis. PLOS One, 14, 4.

13. Willmes, M., Ransom, K.M., Lewis, L.S., Denney, C.T., Glessner, J.J.G., Hobbs J.A., 2018. IsoFishR: An application for reproducible data reduction and analysis of strontium isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) obtained via laser-ablation MC-ICP-MS. PLOS One, 13, 9.

12. Bataille, C.P., von Holstein, I.C.C., Laffoon, J.E., Willmes, M., Liu, X., Davies, G.R., 2018. A bioavailable strontium isoscape for Western Europe: A machine learning approach. PLOS ONE, 13, 5.

11. Willmes, M., Bataille, C.P., James, H.F., Moffat, I., McMorrow, L., Kinsley, L., Armstrong, R.A., Eggins, S., Grün, R., 2018. Mapping of bioavailable strontium isotope ratios in France for archaeological provenance studies. Applied Geochemistry, 90, 75–86.

10. Willmes, M., Hobbs, J.A., Sturrock, A.M., Bess, Z., Lewis, L.S., Glessner, J.J.G., Johnson, R.C., Kurth, R., Kindopp, J., 2018. Fishery collapse, recovery, and the cryptic decline of wild salmon on a major California river. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 75, 11, 1836-1848.

09. Sellheim, K., Willmes, M., Hobbs, J.A., Glessner, J.J.G., Jackson, Z.J., Merz, J.E. 2017, Validating Fin Ray Microchemistry as a Tool to Reconstruct the Migratory History of White Sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 146, 5, 844-857.

08. Goude, G., Willmes, M., Wood, R., Courtaud, P., Leandri, F., Cesari, J., Grün, R. 2017, New insights into Mesolithic human diet in the Mediterranean from stable isotope analysis: The sites of Campu Stefanu and Torre d’Aquila, Corsica. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, 27,4, 707-714.

07. Willmes, M., Grün, R., Douka, K., Michel, V., Armstrong, R.A., Benson, A., Crégut-Bonnoure, E., Desclaux, E., Fang, F., Kinsley, L., Saos, T., Defleur, A.R., 2016. A comprehensive chronology of the Neanderthal site Moula-Guercy, Ardèche, France. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 9, 309-316.

06. Willmes, M., Glessner, J.J.G., Carleton, S.A., Gerrity, P.C., Hobbs, J.A., 2016. 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio analysis by laser ablation MC-ICP-MS in scales, spines, and fin rays as a non-lethal alternative to otoliths for reconstructing fish life history. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 73, 12, 1852-1860.

05. Willmes, M., Kinsley, L., Moncel, M.-H., Armstrong, R.A., Aubert, M., Eggins, S., Grün, R., 2016. Improvement of laser ablation in situ micro-analysis to identify diagenetic alteration and measure strontium isotope ratios in fossil human teeth. Journal of Archaeological Science, 70, 102–116.

04. Sturm, S., Kenkmann, T., Willmes, M., Pösges, G., Hiesinger, H., 2015. The distribution of megablocks in the Ries crater, Germany: Remote sensing, field investigation, and statistical analyses. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 50, 141–171.

03. Willmes, M., McMorrow, L., Kinsley, L., Armstrong, R.A., Aubert, M., Eggins, S., Falguères, C., Maureille, B., Moffat, I., Grün, R., 2014. The IRHUM (Isotopic Reconstruction of Human Migration) database – bioavailable strontium isotope ratios for geochemical fingerprinting in France. Earth System Science Data, 6, 117–122.

02. Benson, A., Kinsley, L., Willmes, M., Defleur, A., Kokkonen, H., Mussi, M., Grün, R., 2013. Laser ablation depth profiling of U-series and Sr isotopes in human fossils. Journal of Archaeological Science, 40, 2991–3000.

01. Willmes, M., Reiss, D., Hiesinger, H., Zanetti, M., 2012. Surface age of the ice–dust mantle deposit in Malea Planum, Mars. Planetary and Space Science, 60, 199–206.

Selected Reports   

4. Lewis, LS, Malte Willmes, Christian Denney, Christina Parker, Micah Bisson, Arthur Barros, James Hobbs. 2019. Interdisciplinary Studies on Longfin Smelt in the San Francisco Bay Estuary. Report to the California Department of Water Resources, Contract No. 4600011196, 130 pp.

3. James A. Hobbs, Christian Denney, Levi Lewis, Malte Willmes, Wilson Xieu, Andrew Schultz, Oliver Burgess. 2019. Chapter 4 – Exploring life history diversity of Delta Smelt during a period of extreme environmental variability. In A.A. Schultz, editor. Directed Outflow Project Technical Report 1. U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Bay-Delta Office, Mid-Pacific Region, Sacramento, CA. Technical Report, August 2019, 402 pp.

2. James A. Hobbs, Christian Denney, Levi Lewis, Malte Willmes, Wilson Xieu, Andrew Schultz, Oliver Burgess. 2019. Chapter 5 – Environmental and ontogenetic drivers of growth in a critically-endangered species. In A.A. Schultz, editor. Directed Outflow Project Technical Report 1. U. S. Bureau of Reclamation, Bay-Delta Office, Mid-Pacific Region, Sacramento, CA. Technical Report, August 2019, 402 pp.

1. Lewis, LS, Malte Willmes, Christian Denney, Christina Parker, Micah Bisson, Arthur Barros, James Hobbs. 2018. Interdisciplinary Studies on Longfin Smelt in the San Francisco Bay Estuary. Report to the California Department of Water Resources, Contract No. 4600011196, 44 pp.